Modalities I have Studied
When you book a massage session with me I aim to tailor the session to best suite your needs. Rarely does one modality work for Everyone and Every goal. All my session work is integrative. Below I provide a list of the training, workshops and types of massage, bodywork, energy and sound therapy I have studied over the years an idea of kinds of tools in my toolbelt. I provide this information also so you can have authority to do your own research and determine if one or more of the listed techniques resonates with you and your needs.
Sometimes we need focused attention to our pain body, sometimes we need help navigating transitional periods in life, and sometimes we just want to relax and do nothing but receive on the table.
Advanced Techniques
Deep Bodywork®
From Perry and Johanna Hollman at The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA
A form of deep tissue massage incorporating the essence of Esalen® massage. This kind of massage is very relaxing, therapeutic and high caliber work. A 90 min session can typically address 2-3 areas of the pain where deep tension is held, while allowing time to incorporate holistic full body strokes.
Neural Reset Therapy®
From Lawrence Woods
A gentle approach to return muscle tonus to neutral. This is an active practice, meaning the client will be asked to engage in easy motions to assist the therapist in resetting the muscle. Sometimes an electric device may be use to stimulate the tissue. This type of bodywork can be done through clothing.
Quantum Alignment Technique
From Lawrence Woods
Please see the dedicated page this amazing form of energy work. With the use of Quantum Entangled Devices this technique can help: remove the effects of truama, build a stronger connection of tissues to the sensory motor cortex of the brain, facilitate Neuro-Muscular re-education, and much more.
Coaching the Body™
From Chuck Duff
An efficient blend of Thai Massage and Trigger Point Therapy. The majority of this work is done with a vibration device and putting the client into stretched positions. This practice is goal oriented where each session (or series of sessions) focuses on one broad "issue" of the body. Examples include (but not limited to): Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica, and Knee Pain.
Shiatsu Anma Therapy
From Dr. Kaneko at the Shiatsu Massage School of California
Massage Therapy from Japan that is based on the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sessions are usually preform on a shiatsu mat on the floor with the client fully clothed- some adaptation allow for table work. Use of various techniques like kneading, vibration, shaking, pressing, friction, tapping and more the aim is to stimulate the circulation of ki (vital life force) in the body
"OB" Positional Release
From Arthur Pauls D.O
Ostepathic Tradition
A fusion of Ostepathic Manipulation and the physics of Martial Arts training. This form of bodywork uses gentle touch with positional holds of the body to inform the nervous system of holding patterns so that the body's innate intelligence can correct. It is a Presence Based practice of cultivating deep listening within the body and the agency to facilitate change through innate movement potentials.
Biofield Tuning
From Eileen McKusick
Advanced level practioner, can offer Distance work.
A holistic approach to healing, primarily focused on the body's electric health. All the cells of our bodies are electric, and together they create an electromagnetic field surrounding our physical body. I use tuning forks to detect dissonant vibrations in your field and through simple sound physics, coherent tones from the fork allow the subtle body to come into resonance.
Dissonance in our fields happens because of stress events in our timeline. Our fields are reverberating the timeline of our memories. This work has potential for profound healing, especially for those in a transitional time.
Spinal Flow Technique, and Spinal Energetics
From Carli Axford, and
Sarah Jane
in Australia
From the Lineage of Network Chiropractic It's not massage, its not chiropractic; it's hands on healing. Working with the innate wisdom of your body, these modalities promote the flow of your Life Force through the spine and the energy body to heal blockages created from stress and trauma. They can stimulate the flow of Kundalini.
I have studied both of these womens' work and attended workshop but have chosen not to be on their certification.
To book a session at your home you can contact me
$210 for 90mins